
customer acquisition and retention


Customer acquisition and retention: Which should you focus on?

Learn more about what the most effective acquisition and retention tactics are today, how you can measure your efforts, and where your time and dollars are best allocated given current market conditions.

Joey Colvin – December 11, 2020
what is first party data


What is first-party data?

First-party data is the most powerful and reliable type of customer information, and it can give your organization many distinct advantages. Learn how to distinguish between different categories of customer data, and the ways you can leverage your company’s first-party data from multiple channels.

Sean Ryan – December 07, 2020


Smartype Generate: Translate any JSON schema into data collection libraries for web, iOS and Android

mParticle’s Smartype is a platform-agnostic tool that can help every engineering team ensure data quality and consistency. Learn how to use Smartype to translate any JSON schema into custom data collection libraries for iOS, Android, and Web platforms.

Sean Ryan – November 30, 2020


CDPs vs. Data Lakes: What’s the difference, and can you use both?

CDPs and Data Lakes differ in the insights they surface, the users they serve, and the overall value they deliver. Though when used together, they are a powerful duo that can help your organization leverage historical and real-time customer data to the fullest extent.

Sean Ryan – November 10, 2020
covid 19 financial services


COVID's impact on the financial services industry

In times of uncertainty, financial services companies are uniquely placed to enrich people's lives. Learn more about how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted personal banking and how financial services industry leaders are adapting.

Joey Colvin – November 24, 2020
cdp data warehouse


CDP vs Data Warehouse: What's the difference?

Learn the differences between a CDP vs data warehouse, and how you can use both in tandem to configure an architecture that makes sense for your data and business needs.

Joey Colvin – August 18, 2022


A single customer view is not the goal (it's the result)

Companies have long tried to establish a single customer view, but few have been able to put a solution into place that addresses the cross-functional needs of stakeholders. The problem is that a single customer view is often seen as the goal of processes, rather than the result. Learn how to create a single view of the customer by enforcing an organization-wide commitment to data quality and collaboration catalyzed by a sound data design process.

Michael Katz – November 03, 2020
building a data platform


Should you build or buy a Customer Data Platform?

Customer Data Platforms are a critical piece of the modern data infrastructure. Learn what it takes to build a Customer Data Platform and how to determine whether building a solution or working with a leading vendor is the right path for your organization.

Joey Colvin – October 15, 2020

mParticle Product

Introducing Block Data: Diagnose, quarantine, fix, and backfill bad data

Bad data leads to bad decisions, but most teams are unable to address their data quality problems proactively in real time. Today, we are excited to announce Block Data, a new early access feature that helps teams automatically identify and drop unplanned data before it’s forwarded downstream, review and quarantine suspected bad data for investigation, and replay quarantined data once it’s been inspected and modified.

Niko Stahl – October 14, 2020


Future-proof your customer data strategy: Get ready for iOS 14 privacy updates

There are significant changes coming to iOS relating to user privacy, tracking transparency, and specifically the use of the iOS advertising identifier (IDFA). Since the announcement, mParticle has been collaborating with some of the largest consumer brands in the world to holistically achieve a balance between adhering to compliance obligations and ethical data collection policies to protect consumer choice, while also delivering personalized and relevant information to people globally.

Sam Dozor – September 16, 2020
how to improve mobile app performance


Improve mobile app performance with SDK abstraction

Implementing third-party SDKs in your mobile app allows Marketers and Product Managers to get data into the tools they love, but unstable third-party code can impact mobile performance and drain engineering resources. Learn how you can get high quality customer data to your team's favorite tools without having to manage excess third-party code.

Joey Colvin – August 31, 2020
customer data for ai


Meet your marketing goals with customer data

Your marketing campaigns will only be as effective as the customer data that you use to power them, especially if leveraging AI/ML. Check out these tips and tricks to get your customer data in the best shape possible and begin accelerating your marketing strategy.

Megan Warhurst – August 12, 2020


Generate in-warehouse predictive audiences

Learn how Jayant Subramanian, data science intern, developed a proof-of-concept machine learning pipeline for predicting user behaviors from data pre-processing to model training and beyond using Snowflake and Apache Airflow.

Jayant Subramanian – January 07, 2021
data enrichment platform

mParticle Product

Seamless first- and third-party data enrichment

The newly debuted Data Partners Program is a group of enrichment data partners that meet the highest standard of data integration with mParticle’s CDP; these integrations allow third-party data to be collected and connected to the first-party persistent customer profiles existing within mParticle to provide a complete, real-time view of the customer which can then be used to seamlessly connect insights to a growing ecosystem of 250+ outbound integrations.

Abril McCloud – July 15, 2020
cdp security


How a CDP supports customer data security

The trust between a customer and brand is the foundation of a strong customer relationship. Part of maintaining that trust is sound customer data management and security. Learn how a Customer Data Platform helps you secure your customer data pipeline so that you can build trust throughout the customer journey.

Joey Colvin – July 08, 2020


iOS 14, third-party cookies, and the future of data-driven marketing

This year, at its annual developer conference, a significant announcement that will have a wide-ranging impact on the future of mobile customer experience was sandwiched between the usual product announcements. The IDFA (the ID present on all Apple mobile devices and used across the martech and adtech industries) would now require explicit user permission to use. This change dramatically limits the usability of the IDFA as a form of universal identity that brands and vendors can use to power marketing, measurement, and everything in between.

Michael Katz – July 07, 2020
testing in production


Test in production with mParticle and Split

Testing with production data allows you to release features with more efficiency and greater confidence, but doing it successfully requires good testing control and data management processes. Learn more about using mParticle and Split feature flags to simplify testing in production.

Joey Colvin – July 02, 2020
event collection


Smartype: Proper event collection at run time

Smartype, a data quality product that translates any data model into type-safe code to help developers ensure proper event collection at run time. Smartype generates personalized SDKs, based on any data model, providing automated code completion and improving data collection and quality at scale. Now available in beta.

Shabih Syed – May 13, 2020
open source developer tools

mParticle Product

Introducing Developer Tools: Linting and CLI

Announcing the beta release of two new open-source data validations tools for developers: CLI and Linting. Learn how these Customer Data Platform open source developer tools can help you ensure proper event collection at run time and introduce instant data quality protection into your integrated development environments (IDE).

Shabih Syed – May 13, 2020
customer sentiment


3 ways to act on shifts in customer sentiment

Tracking customer sentiment is critical to delivering successful experiences. Learn how Apptentive enables you to monitor shifts in customer sentiment and act on them to improve customer experience.

Ashley Sefferman – April 27, 2020
sessionm loyalty

mParticle Product

Drive loyalty with mParticle and SessionM

With the new SessionM integration, mParticle customers can supercharge their loyalty programs with high-quality first-party customer data, and use insights gained from their loyalty program to increase ad spend efficiency and find new high-value customers.

Kale Bogdanovs – April 23, 2020
amazon advertising targeting

mParticle Product

Target with precision with Amazon Advertising

With the new Amazon Advertising integration, marketers can target advertising on Amazon properties and across the web, with audiences based on reliable first-party customer data.

Kale Bogdanovs – April 23, 2020
high growth data strategy


3 data strategies for high-growth companies

As an mParticle CSM, it’s my job to help brands develop and implement a customer data strategy to drive growth. Here’s what I’ve seen work across industries and organizations.

Abhi Seeth
data localization

mParticle Product

Introducing Data Localization from mParticle

mParticle customers are now able to choose which country or region their data is stored in order to fulfill policies and compliance requirements.

Craig Kelly – March 18, 2020

mParticle Product

CCPA Compliance with mParticle

Learn how mParticle's CCPA compliance tools can help you comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2020 (CCPA).

Ben Hoxie – March 18, 2020


COVID-19: Best practices and strategies for maintaining business continuity

With increasing calls to promote social distancing by enabling remote work, many companies find themselves at a loss when they consider how they will ensure that the quality and access to their data remains unchanged during this period of uncertainty. Maintaining business continuity during COVID-19—and any future global events—requires brands to invest in both process and infrastructure that can democratize data and access when the majority of the workforce is remote.

Abril McCloud – March 13, 2020
mparticle liveramp

mParticle Product

mParticle LiveRamp for Targeting

mParticle LiveRamp for targeting enables customers to leverage LiveRamp’s industry-leading identity graph and exponentially expand their reach. Deliver privacy-friendly, world-class experiences at an unprecedented scale.

Craig Kelly – March 02, 2020

mParticle Product

New platform features: Data infrastructure, quality, governance, and personalization streamlined

Creating an effective, clean data pipeline that helps you create better customer experiences, guides product and business initiatives, and manages your customer data end-to-end while complying with data privacy regulations is no short order. Never fear, new platform features spanning across data infrastructure, quality, governance, and personalization are here to help.

Craig Kelly – January 29, 2020
democratize data

mParticle Product

Empower your team with better access to data

Put your team’s trust back into your data. Create a Data Plan to build and maintain context around your data and involve the right people in data decision-making.

Rashel Shehata – January 29, 2020
data foundation

mParticle Product

Data Master 2.0: Create a data flywheel

Introduce total data quality management and enforcement to your data foundation with new Data Master features and Calculated Attributes. With Data Master and Calculated Attributes, establish a source of better data that will create a customer data flywheel, where data quality and data’s impact on the product cycle will continuously improve over time.

Craig Kelly – January 29, 2020


2020 Predictions: Customer data management practices

When it comes to customer data, much has changed in the past decade. With 2020 quickly approaching, learn about the predictions that will set the stage for the coming decade and what you should do to future-proof your business.

Abril McCloud – December 18, 2019


The difference between CDPs, DMPs, and CRMs

Discover the distinctions between these three very different martech solutions and which uses cases is best suited to your chosen technology provider.

Joey Colvin – December 11, 2019