IntegrationsJune 06, 2017

Announcing our Integration with Google Cloud Pub/Sub

mParticle’s Growth API allows marketers to connect their customer data to 100+ marketing and analytics tools without custom development.

mParticle’s Growth API allows marketers to connect their customer data to 100+ marketing and analytics tools without custom development. Today we are excited to announce our latest integration with Google Cloud Pub/Sub!

With this integration mutual customers can use our simple, secure API to collect event data from across mobile, web and OTT then publish the events as message streams to which their downstream tools and databases can subscribe.

  • Event driven asynchronous workflows: Queue up real-time customer behavioral data for a given action (e.g., session start, push open, eCommerce event) for batch or distributed processing downstream
  • Distributed event notifications: Update distributed downstream services in real-time whenever a specified event occurs
  • Event logging across multiple systems: Easily collect cross-platform app events from mobile, web and OTT (e.g., app crashes) and log them across multiple monitoring systems or databases

Our partnership with Google spans integration across their suite of Advertising, Marketing, Analytics and Business Intelligence tools including Google Ads, Google DoubleClick, Google Analytics and Google BigQuery. With the latest addition of Google Cloud Pub/Sub we look forward to expanding our partnership to help mutual customers easily use Google’s cloud solutions without custom development.

Contact us to learn more about this integration!

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