WebinarsOctober 28, 2020

Build a high quality customer data pipeline to accelerate growth

Customer data quality is critical to making successful marketing and analytics decisions. Learn more about how you can protect data quality with mParticle during this comprehensive walkthrough of our data quality toolset.

It costs ten times as much to complete a unit of work when the data is flawed in any way as it does when it is perfect. Yet, teams continue to suffer from data quality issues.

When teams can’t protect the quality of data sent to downstream systems, they can miss opportunities to engage consumers in a meaningful way. Whether it's accidentally misspelt data or misunderstood requirements, bad data can negatively impact critical decisions and have very serious consequences.

What teams need is a customer data quality solution that is always-on, has continuous checks for accuracy and consistency of data, and proactively prevents bad data from getting into core systems. mParticle ensures teams have real-time access to high quality customer data so that they can improve customer experiences and accelerate growth.

Watch this LinkedIn Live to learn how mParticle ensures availability of high quality data across the customer data pipeline with always-on data quality tools for every step of the customer data pipeline.

  1. Data master
    For teams to organize, manage and validate customer data before it reaches downstream systems.
  2. Developer tools
    For Engineers to manage data quality across the customer data pipeline.
  3. IDSync
    Automated identity matching and resolution to build a single user profile for all user activities.

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