Rokt and mParticle Merge to Redefine Real-Time RelevanceRead the announcement

Data Governance

Data Localization

With Data Localization, mParticle customers are now able to choose which country or region their data is stored in to fulfill corporate policies and compliance requirements.

data localization

What's included with Data Localization

    Region-specific access
  • Login to your mParticle instance in region-specific data centers.

    Automatic data routing
  • All of our SDKs will route data to your account’s data center automatically based on your API keys.

    Region-specific data rules
  • mParticle rules can be hosted in the specific AWS region as Lambda functions.

    Data isolation
  • Route data from mParticle to other 3rd Party services within the region.

data localization


Security is critical at mParticle and has been baked into our technology and culture from the start

Secure Customer Data

TLS encryption for data-in-transit and certificate pinning to prevent data from being intercepted.

Corporate Security

Our security team performs regular penetration tests to mitigate phishing attacks and build security into the culture of the company.

Secure Development Lifecycle

Security is built into checkpoints from initial developer design to code to build validation and deployment.

Breach Response & Recovery

We vow to uphold your trust by communicating critical information that could affect your data.