Rokt and mParticle Merge to Redefine Real-Time RelevanceRead the announcement

mParticle Education Series: Decision Making, Data, and Poker with Annie Duke

Being able to collect, manage, and activate first-party data effectively requires a transformation of both internal processes and customer data infrastructure. In this session, we break down how you can build an effective first-party data strategy and make the most of your data.

Annie Duke, a well-known decision scientist, and former professional poker player is on hand for a fireside chat. This is a conversation about making decisions, alongside Michael Katz, CEO of mParticle. The conversation covers a range of topics including:

  • Making decisions under conditions of uncertainty (which is where the tie to poker comes into play)
  • Differences between complicated and complex decision-making scenarios
  • How improving data quality improves the quality of decision making but it all depends on how you use it
  • The role of educated guesses, narrowing the range, and CDPs

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Rokt and mParticle Merge to Redefine Real-Time Relevance

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