VideosDecember 18, 2023

mParticle’s real-time data insights and segmentation fuel Joe & The Juice loyalty program growth

The global QSR brand's loyalty campaigns, powered by mParticle, led to a remarkable 75.5% year-over-year revenue surge.

The challenge

Joe & The Juice was focused on driving customers to adopt their loyalty app. Analysis uncovered that once customers began using the loyalty app, their store frequency increased by 2.4x, and spending increased by 2.7x. To increase app acquisition, penetration, and engagement, the team wanted to deliver personalized offers to customers at key moments in the customer journey. Understanding customer behavior in real-time in a world of signal loss and anonymous app usage was an arduous task, however, hindering Joe & The Juice’s ability to tailor engaging experiences across cross-channel touchpoints.

The solution

Enter mParticle: Joe & The Juice’s secret weapon to conquer these data challenges. mParticle provides Joe & The Juice’s marketing team with a real-time view of customer engagement, empowering them to confidently craft more relevant customer experiences without guesswork.

Intelligent segmentation enables personalized loyalty experiences

mParticle’s real-time capabilities make it possible to trigger offers based on recent engagements, enabling the Joe & The Juice team to engage customers in the moments that matter.

For example, Joe & The Juice ran a campaign offering customers who had made more than three purchases in the last 30 days an opportunity to save 30% on their favorite products by purchasing loyalty coupons. Collecting store checkout data in real-time, the team can define audiences based on product affinity in mParticle, such as “coffee lovers” and “sandwich lovers.” Next, they used those audiences to trigger timely, personalized offers as customers made their third purchase, engaging customers in key moments and driving loyalty app engagement.

Powering this personalized loyalty campaign (and others like it) with mParticle, Joe & The Juice has achieved a 74% open rate and 5.5% click-to-open rate on loyalty offers, as well as a 75.5% increase in loyalty program revenue year over year.

Any digital marketer with a little bit of knowledge or training can create really advanced funnels and campaigns using mParticle.

Miguel Martin

Global Head of Digital Marketing, Joe & The Juice

Location-based engagement campaigns drive store visits

When Joe & The Juice introduces new coffee beans or products, they first test in select markets. Using mParticle's capabilities, they can deliver highly targeted messages to select customer segments based on store visits. This enables them to test in controlled environments and collect valuable insight from their customers before launching to the larger market.

Eliminating data silos reduces friction

mParticle empowered the Joe & The Juice marketing team to access and activate customer data with greater ease and efficiency, crafting intricate campaigns without relying on specialized data scientists. This democratization of data within mParticle offered newfound agility for the Joe & The Juice team.

Unparalleled support & expertise builds confidence

Joe & The Juice's journey with mParticle was not just about utilizing the solution; it was a collaborative effort between the teams. mParticle's professional services played a pivotal role, guiding Joe & The Juice through sharing best practices, regular check-ins, and advising the Joe & The Juice team on how they can further unlock the value of their customer data with confidence and agility.

Loyalty program results

  • 75%
  • revenue growth YoY
  • 2.4x
  • purchase frequency increase
  • 2.7x
  • spending increase


The platform's real-time insights and segmentation capabilities ensure that Joe & The Juice engages their customers with precision, eliminating the blind spots caused by signal loss. The beauty of mParticle, according to Joe & The Juice, lies in its accessibility. The platform empowers their digital marketing team to create intricate campaigns and customer journeys, leveraging real-time insights without heavy reliance on specialized data scientists.

Ready to get see mParticle in action for yourself? Explore our self-guided tour today.

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